Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Lens
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Sannenzaka Street view of Hokan-ji Temple (Yasaka Pagoda)

Hokan-ji Temple, also known as Yasaka Pagoda, is a 150-feet-tall pagoda known for its sloping, tiered roofs. The temple sits poised in the center of an old Kyoto neighborhood, and is a welcome surprise when passersby stumble upon it while strolling through the Higashiyama District. Originally built in the year 589, legend has it the five-story pagoda was inspired by a dream.



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  • Telephoto lens (70mm)
  • Neutral Density filter
  • Tripod
  • Model

How to get there

N34° 59' 53.214"E135° 46' 48.6732"
This photo of Hokan-ji Temple (Yasaka Pagoda) was taken from Sannenzaka Street. 
This is one of the most popular tourist areas of Kyoto and you have several options to get there. Once you're on the street and have navigated to the GPS coordinates, face west, stand in the middle of the road, and you'll be able to capture the temple and the buildings around it. By bus: The closest bus stop is called Kiyomizu-michi. After getting off the bus, go to the next street, Yasaka-dori (Yasaka Street) where you'll see the temple. It is also possible to walk from the Gion station bus stop. Bus 100 stops at both. By subway: You can also take the Hankyu-Kyoto Line and stop at the Kyoto-Kawaramachi Subway Station. Then, if you turn left and cross the bridge on the Kamo-gawa River, you be very close to Yasaka-dori Street. At this point, you will see Hokan-ji Temple. Continue walking until you get to Sannenzaka Street. It will be a twenty-minute walk from the subway station.


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