Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM Lens
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Mount Fremont Fire Lookout with House

Hike to this beautiful fire lookout and experience the setting sun as it sets the sky aglow in a soft, pink light. From this elevated viewpoint, you'll be looking out onto all of the mountain layers and you'll also have a front row seat to Mount Rainier, too.



Skill level

Public Location


Anytime (pending the road is open)


National Park Entrance fee = $5 or free with an America the Beautiful Pass


  • Wide-angle lens (38mm)
  • Model
  • Layers
  • Headlamp
  • Water (no water sources on the trail)
  • Snacks

How to get there

N46° 56' 02.49"W121° 40' 30.486"
This photo was taken from the Mount Fremont Fire Lookout in Mount Rainier National Park in Washington. In total the hike is about 5.6 miles round-trip with 1,200 feet of gain. To reach this spot, begin your hike at the Sunrise Rim Trail Trailhead (46.914163, -121.641778) in Mount Rainier National Park. The road (Sunrise Park Road) does close in the winter, so alway check conditions when going during shoulder seasons. Once parked at the visitor center, head out on the Sourdough Ridge Trail (46.915795, -121.643695) to the north of the visitor center. Keep left (west) at the forks you pass until you reach a five-way split on the trail. At this point, take the first right onto the Mount Fremont Trail, and continue on this trail all the way to the lookout to get to this viewpoint. As you hike, reference the GPS coordinates to keep you on track.


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