Sony Alpha 7R III
Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Lens
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Moulton Falls Bridge (Rain)

A tranquil river winding through the Southern Washington forest. Moulton Falls is a 387-acre park and an idyllic getaway from the city of Vancouver in Washington. Crossing the bridge will bring you to Moulton Falls Trail where you can see unique views of riverfront homes and cabins in the PNW.



Skill level

Public Location


7AM to dusk




  • Wide-angle lens (29mm)
  • Trail shoes or hiking boots
  • Model
  • Raincoat

How to get there

N45° 49' 53.7629"W122° 23' 08.3126"
This photo of Moulton Falls Bridge was taken in Moulton Falls Regional Park. Moulton Falls Regional Park is located north of Vancouver, WA on the I-5. Take exit 11 and follow WA-502 E to Battle Ground. Turn left at the intersection with WA-503 N and go north on WA-503 N for 5 1/2 miles to NE Rock Creek Road. Turn right onto NE Rock Creek Road and drive east. The Moulton Falls Regional Park is on the right about 8 miles from WA-503 N. Go past the small parking lot and continue to the large parking lot which is just before the intersection with NE Sunset Falls Road. The easiest way to get there is by simply plugging in the name of the park into your preferred navigation app. I've noticed that service can be a little spotty out there, so if you can download an offline map of the area, that would give you some extra peace of mind. Otherwise, just refer to the written instructions. Once parked in the lot (45.831657, -122.388992), make your way east and follow the footpath that parallels the road until you reach a junction with one path heading uphill and another toward the river. If you take the uphill path, it'll take you over the bridge and along the other side of the river. To get this shot, take the path that heads toward the river and there'll be a rocky outcropping that you can walk out on. This is where you will get a clear view of the bridge. Reference the GPS coordinates and you'll be able to get to the exact spot where I took this photo.


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