When to go
All months of the year are suitable to photograph the interior of the concert hall, but if you're looking to have the wreath's hanging on the pillars, your best bet is to visit in December.
The atrium has windowed ceiling, so visit mid-day while the sun is able to beautifully illuminate the atrium with natural light.
Field tips
While the interior architecture is beautiful, this spot is also great for portraiture. Bring along a model and capture the perfect moment in this grand space. (note: professional wedding photography may not be allowed; check in advance).
Carefully choose how you balance the photograph. I split my photograph in half at the point the floor met the arched wall and ensured my subjects were centered in the image - this helped create a sense of scale.
There's lot of lines to use in your composition -- those on the floor, across the pillars, even along the top-level windows. Test your creativity!