DJI Phantom 4 Pro
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Coit Tower

Coit Tower, perched atop Telegraph Hill, stands as a majestic sentinel over San Francisco. A symbol of the city's resilience after the 1906 earthquake, it promises visitors a climb into history and a view that might as well be a panoramic cinematic shot of the city by the bay. The tower's murals, echoing the style of Diego Rivera, reflect a vivid slice of life during the tumultuous 1930s. As you ascend its heights, San Francisco unfolds beneath you, from the Golden Gate Bridge to the meandering streets of North Beach, culminating in a view that stitches together the patchwork of neighborhoods and stories that make this city legendary. (before flying a drone, check and follow local drone regulations and permit requirements)



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How to get there

N37° 48' 10.9368"W122° 24' 21.4128"
This drone photo is of Coit Tower in the neighborhood of Telegraph Hill. Starting from the heart of San Francisco, Union Square, catch the 30-Stockton MUNI bus. Ride until you reach the stop at Columbus Ave & Stockton St. From there, take a brief walk to Washington Square Park, where you'll find the base of the Filbert Steps—a lovely mosaic of gardens and stairs that leads you straight to the base of Coit Tower. As you ascend the steps, it's a gradual walk into the pages of San Francisco's history, ending with the tower itself beckoning you forward. For this shot, I took off my drone from the main parking lot. For this view, i flew to the back of the tower and framed northwest in the direction of Mount Tamalpais—which you can see in the distance!


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