Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM Lens
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Lower Panther Creek Falls & Forest

Visit one of the most scenic waterfalls in Washington and explore along the river as you photograph the cascading water tumbling down the rocky terrain. While you're there, close your eyes and take in the sound of the peaceful rushing falls and the smell of the fresh air before opening your eyes to the vibrant green colors that surround you.



Skill level

Public Location


Dawn to dusk




  • Wide-angle lens (27mm)
  • Tripod
  • Model (with a bright jacket)
  • ND filter (optional)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Good hiking boots
  • Bug spray
  • Water

How to get there

N45° 51' 59.0976"W121° 49' 43.9716"
This photo was taken downstream from the main viewpoint at Panther Creek Falls in Washington. I stood where the GPS coordinates are and then my friend stood in front of me on one of the branches going across the water. To get to the parking area for Panther Creek Falls, head north out of Carson, Washington on Wind River Highway, and then turn right onto Old State Road, about 5 miles north of Carson. Then immediately turn left onto NF-65 (Panther Creek Road). Continue on NF-65 for 7.5 miles until you see a parking area on the right side of the road. Park here. Start the hike by going back down the road, towards where you drove in from. You'll see a small trail on your right, just across from the parking lot. This goes to the main viewing platform. Ignore this trail and keep walking down the road until you see another small trail on your right. Take this trail and make your way down to the river. Keep to the left and head down river to this spot instead of up to the main waterfall (reference the GPS coordinates to guide you). The path here is steep but there are ropes to help you out.


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