When to go
Best time
Sunrise, Morning, Mid-day, Late afternoon, Sunset, Blue Hour, Night, Midnight+
You can photograph the Rochor MRT Station "Exit A" during any month of the year.
The station is open 24/7, so you can visit during any time — day or night.
Compared to other MRT Stations in Singapore, Rochor MRT station is not as busy. Still, to get a clean shot without any other people walking through your image, consider visiting either early in the morning before people's daily commute or later after rush hour. You'll have more time to focus on the actual subject when there aren't people around you and you also won't have to wait for people to pass through your frame.
Field tips
Because you can easily move closer or further away from the stairs, any lens will work well. I recommend bringing along a wide-angle lens (~18mm) to fit the entire scene in your frame.
Position yourself perfectly centered so that the handrail creates a straight vertical line. In addition, make sure that the black lines are symmetrical overall. There are many lines in this shot, so do your best to align yourself properly.
I had my model wear white to complement the architecture, but you could also wear a more vibrant wardrobe for a unexpected pop of color.
Play around with the position of your model. Have them stand at the bottom of the stairs or how about letting your model sit on the handrail? They could even slide down for some movement (use a higher shutter speed ~1/250 sec)!
If you have trouble with high ISO or need to use a slow shutter, try using a tripod.
Current weather
Blue Hour
Partially cloudy
Partially cloudy
Golden Hour
Partially cloudy
Partially cloudy
Do nearby
Not even five minutes away, you can explore Lasalle College of Arts. The design of this building is simply stunning because of its crossing walkways and glass panels.
Moreover, around Singapore National Day (Aug 9), many citizens put up national flags at their balconies. You'll be able to spot an HDB apartment building full of national flags when walking from Rochor MRT station to Lasalle College of Arts.