When to go
Best time
Morning, Mid-day, Late afternoon
As the Dia:Beacon is inside, the museum is suitable for photography year round. Their entrance days and times change according to the season, so make sure to check that it's open before you go.
I recommend shooting in the Dia:Beacon museum between morning and afternoon, when you'll have ample daylight to experiment with. Throughout the day, you'll find different opportunities for light cascading through the museum's large windows.
Field tips
This is a public walkway within the museum, and a fairly busy one as it's right by the entrance. Be conscious of your surroundings and always be respectful of other museum patrons and staff.
Be patient! On a busy day, it may take you awhile to get an empty shot like this. Later in the afternoon and right before closing, crowds in museums generally lighten up, so be diligent if you're determined to get a photo clear of other people.
Experiment with light and focus to explore a variety of ways to get your shot. By allowing the windows to backlight my image, I focused on my subject and the windows themselves, allowing the rest of the frame to fall into darkness. This creates extra visual interest, and is more powerful than an evenly exposed picture.