Sony Alpha 7 II
Sony FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
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Yosemite Valley Chapel view of Yosemite Falls

At this very spot, Yosemite’s two most iconic landmarks meet—the New England-style Yosemite Valley Chapel and the 2,425 feet high Yosemite Falls. On a cloudy day, the lush green scenery and the mystical light accompany both and create the perfect atmosphere for you to relax.



Skill level

Public Location




$30 per vehicle, 7-day pass; free with National Parks Pass


  • Wide-angle lens (33mm)
  • Tripod

How to get there

N37° 44' 27.1428"W119° 35' 30.1848"
This spot is behind and on the west side of the Yosemite Valley Chapel. If entering Yosemite Valley from El Portal just stay straight and follow the signs to Half Dome Village. Do not make any turns. After you pass the Four Mile Trail trailhead, keep an eye out for the Chapel on your right. There is a small parking lot here. Park here and walk to other side of the chapel and behind it. Please note, that at the time of writing, this is a one-way road (traffic patterns in Yosemite shift depending on weather, traffic, construction, or a number of other factors), and if you miss the Chapel you will have to loop all the way down to El Capitan Meadow to come back up. If you are riding the Yosemite Shuttle, at the time of writing, Shuttle Stop #11 is the closest stop. From there cross the bridge and follow the road west to the Chapel. Address: Yosemite Valley Chapel, 9000 Southside Dr, Yosemite Valley, CA 95389


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